Friday, June 3, 2011

Your Grades for the Defense and the State so far?

Please post a comment with the grade you give the defense and the state so far in the Casey Anthony trial.

1 = poor to 10 = perfect

for example d:5 s:7


  1. d:6 (Jose Baez is not clear when cross examining and does not object when in many instances he could have.) I am very PRO-DEFENSE due to the fact there is zero evidence on cause of death.

    S:4 (State has only proven Casey to be a liar and nothing more.)

  2. Stop wasting our money and send her to a Mental Facility !

  3. d:0 s:8 Defense has done a bad job, State has done a good job but they still have not proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she intentionally killed her. IMO it was an accident and she panicked and had been in denial.
